Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Night of the Dead (1968) Review

On a late afternoon in the country-side of Pennsylvania, two siblings named Johnny and Barbra visited their father's grave. Suddenly, they were attacked by a GHOUL! If you haven't caught on, we are talking about the "Night of the Living Dead" the original. Directed by George A. Romero and written by Romero and John Russo, This film has been the foundation for several monster-horror movies. It began the concept of being trapped in a inclosed space. "Night of the Living Dead" started the zombie apocalyptic genre.

Short films were George Romero's area of expertise. "Night of the Living Dead" was his first full length movie. Originally, the movie was meant t be a comedy featuring teen aliens from another planet visiting Earth. Russo and Romero felt it was too common and wanted a fresh idea.

We felt the movie was two thumbs up until the zombies ate them. The consumption of humans was a bit comical, because they ate chocolate covered chicken (used as human flesh). The ghouls look like an albino asking for sun-screen. But our favorite part was when the Barbra got SLAPPED by Ben (Duane Jones). To be honest we liked the movie because it started a revolution. Before 1968 no one had ever thought of doing a movie where the living dead is ready to devour you and eats brains. The story line was good as well especially if it is based around a traumatized damsel who must fight for her life but can't because that girl is CRAZY!!!! This movie didn't just symbolize zombies but it symbolizes the cooperation between two races.

In conclusion, this film might look corny with its chocolate syrup blood and chicken as flesh, but it did revolutionize horror movies inspiring Dawn of the Dead, Shawn of the Dead, and the music video for Thriller.
Beat Sheet
  1. Opening Image: Barbra is alive, well, and seems to be fine
  2. Theme Stated:
  3. Set-Up: Barbra is at the cemetary with her brother
  4. Catalyst: Barbra's Brother is killed
  5. Debate:Barbra must decide to run away or go back for her brother
  6. Breaks Into Two: Barbra meets Ben
  7. Fun and Games: Ben and Barbra fight off the zombies
  8. Midpoint: Barbra is traumatized and can't help
  9. Bad Guys Close In: More Ghouls show up
  10. All Is Lost: They are stranded in the house and have no plan of escape for the moment
  11. Dark Knight of The Soul:
  12. Breaks Into Three: Ben and Barbra meet two couples and a child who has been bitten
  13. Finale: Ben and others fight the ghouls but all end up dying
  14. Final Image: Barbra is dead and faced a death worse than her brother

Directed by: George A. Romero

Duane Jones as Ben
Judith O'Dea as Barbra
Karl Hardman as Harry Cooper
Marilyn Eastman as Helen Cooper
Keith Wayne as Tom
Judith Riley as Judy

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