Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Lost Boys- Buddah

Santa Carla, California a haven for Vampires. To be precise the Lost Boys. A group of 80's twilight boys who look twisted sister playing vampire. Yes today I will be reviewing the Lost Boys the 1987 comedy horror that stars Corey and Corey and that man from 24 Jack Bauer. This movie is nothing special for all it is is a movie that shows off a whole bunch of boys doing things around a small town. Oh yeah I forgot to mention this but the boys have the haircut Billy Ray Cyrus and dress like twisted sister. The film was directed by Joel Schumacher and stars all the teen heart throbs of the 80's. Honestly the title the lost boys is refering to Peter Pan on never wanting to grow up.

The movie starts off with Sam (Corey Haim) and his brother Michael moving into Santa Carla with their grandfather from. Running around town Sam discovers a comic book store that is run by the Edger brothers two Rambo wannabes who have funny and witty catch lines. But the thing about this is that right after the funny catch lines there goes the horror part making the movie a little less scary. This movie isn't well structured all that happens is that they say Micheal 500 times and they just fly around and feed. And in the end the grandpa knows there was vampires in town all along.

As mentioned earlier the movie is based off of Peter Pan which is to never grow up and live forever but this isn't the moral of the story. To me the moral of the story is not to fall into peer pressure. As you can see when Micheal had fallen into peer pressure so he turned into a mythical being. I'm not saying that falling into peer pressure will turn you into a vampire but if you listen to others then there will be consequences. To me feeling accepted to by myself is 500x's better than being acepted by others because you know who you are. So I tend to not let my peers take over me.

In conclusion I give this movie a 2.5/5 because it was nothing but a flick showing boys the only good thing was Edger and his Brothers the two Mini Rambos really made me laugh.

Beat Sheet:

  1. Opening Image: Sunny and happy Santa Carla with normal people

  2. Theme Stated: "Don't follow the crowd"

  3. Set-up: Introduced to Michael, Sam, Lucy, Grandpa,

  4. Catalyst: Michael meets Star

  5. Debate: Whether or not to take the motorcycle challenge

  6. Break into Two: Michael drinks the blood and becomes a member of the gang

  7. B Story: Introduced to Max, and all members of the gang

  8. Fun & Games: The gang shows Michael what he has become and kill teens at the beach

  9. Midpoint: Michael becomes weaker because he fights the urge to kill

  10. Bad Guys Close In: Go to the secret hangout and kill a vampire

  11. All is Lost: Sam tells Lucy about their situation but she does not believe him.

  12. Dark Night of the Soul: Sam learns that Michael can change back if the head vampire is killed

  13. Break into Three: Prepare to vampire attack

  14. Finale: Both pairs of brothers fight with vampires

  15. Final Image: Santa Carla, a dark and mysterious place

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